Domain 7 - Family and Other Supports (Contextual Domain)


This initial assessment domain should consider whether informal supports are present and their potential to contribute to recovery. A lack of supports might contribute to the onset or maintenance of the mental health condition and/or compromise ability to participate in the recommended treatment.


0 = Highly supported

  1. Substantial and useful supports willing to and capable of providing ample emotional support.

1 = Well supported

  1. A few useful supports are available and willing to and capable of providing support in times of need.

2 = Limited supports

  1. Usual sources of useful support may be reluctant to provide support, difficult to access, or have insufficient resources to provide support whenever it is needed.

3 = Minimal supports

  1. Very few actual or potential useful sources of support are available.

4 = No supports

  1. No useful sources of support are available.